Arabic Language Classic Code Certification Program (LITE) – Every Saturdays or Sundays, 8am-10am at Aspire Institute

[countdownibt][/countdownibt] Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching presents: =Arabic Language Classic Code Certification Program (LITE)= As Salamu ‘alaikum Dear Brothers & Sisters in Islam! Do you know that it is your RIGHT and your RESPONSIBILITY as a True Believer to learn and understand the Language of The Noble Quran? Do you know that there’s a SIMPLE, EASY […]

Arabic Language is not exclusive for Madrasah students, all Muslim students in public school, in primary, secondary even tertiary levels should learn the Arabic Language, as it is the key to understand the Quran. Understanding the message of the Quran and putting an effort to APPLY it in our life is what makes a community […]

If not all, majority of Muslims will always put an effort to complete reciting the entire Quran in Ramadan, or at least make an intention to do so, but have we ever asked ourselve as Muslims who believe in the Quran as the Book of Guidance for mankind: “Have we at put at least an intention, […]
Kelas Bahasa Al-Quran Module 2 Session 2
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم BismillahirRahmanirRahim This Week’s High Frequency Word of The Noble Quran Week – 2 ’12 Session 2 High Frequency Word of the Noble Quran 1″َأَيْنَ”3 “تِلْكَ”2 “ذَلِك” ===================================================== 1 – َذًلِك / “zalika” means “that” [for male] Example from the Quran: “ِذَلِكَ الكِتَابُ لاَ رَيْبَ فِيْه “ Transliteration: ” zalika al-kitabu […]
Kelas Bahasa Al-Quran Module 2 Session 1
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم BismillahirRahmanirRahim This Week’s High Frequency Word of The Noble Quran Week – 1 ’12 Session 1 High Frequency Word of the Noble Quran 1″كَيْفَ”3 “هَذِهِ”2 “هَذَا” ===================================================== 1 – هَذَا / “haza” means “this” [for male] Example from the Quran: “قَالَ هَذَا مِنْ فَضْلِ رَبِّي” Transliteration: “‘qala haza min fadli rabbi” English Translation: […]