As Salamu ‘alaikum

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Islam!

ARE YOU looking for that a program that CONNECTS You to ALLAH?


So that you can attain FULFILLMENT in Family Life,
Relationships, Financial and Career Life?

AL-QURAN is the Guide to attain all
that is in this world and beyond.
It is the BEST gift from Allah s.w.t., 
and the BEST gift left by
our Beloved Prophet s.a.w. to us.

Tafsir is the process of understanding the Quran,
A book which a Muslim should always
The process encompasses
process in order to internalize the REVELATION in Our Life.

Make time to Join Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching
in our journey to uncover the gems in the Quran,
in our Tafsir Al-Quran program
Every Mondays (excluding 5th of the Month).

For registration status check your inbox or sms/call 9477 9230 or email: registrations@aspireinstitute.com.

This Program is a weekly spiritual excavation
on the meaning of the Noble Quran
with Ust. Yazid, student of the Quran
and trained linguist.


With the intention of APPLYING Allah s.w.t.’s guidance
in LIFE page-by-page, cover-to-cover,
this program adopts contemporary linguistic approach
guided by classical sources to ensure that
the Quran’s original framework is maintained.


Designed specially for busy working adults
who has the BURNING DESIRE to connect WITH Allah
through the Quran, the program shall be delivered
bilingually in Malay and English, 4 times a month.
Starting from Surah Al-Fatihah until the end of surah An-Naas,
the program aims to complete 30 Juz of the Quran in 5 years.


✍ For ENQUIRIES, please

☏ SMS/Whatsapp: 9477 9230 or
✉ EMAIL: registrations@aspireinstitute.com

✔ To REGISTER please mail the folllowing to registrations@aspireinstitute.com

1- Full Name:
2- Email Address:
3- Telephone Number:
4- Transaction Details: Transaction Number, Date, Time,


Get to know your Lecturer

Ustaz Yazid Muhamad Salleh is a man who is in LOVE with the Quran.

He gets true happiness from the Quran.
Whether to find a solution to a problem, 
or to get Inspired, or feel Motivated, 
each time he opens the Quran,
it provides him with the answer he’s looking for.

The Quran is therefore a unique source of
Motivation & Inspiration for Ustaz Yazid –
as it should be for the rest of us, he feels.

This is why he calls the Quran ‘Our Life Coach’.

This is why he has made it his mission to share
with us the powerful messages God has left for us in His Quran.

And this is why he set up Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching;
Read, Understand and Apply Al-Quran in LIFE.

His Love Affair with the Quran began early:
he began his Islamic & secular education
at Singapore’s esteemed Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah
and graduated 12 years later with a Graduate Scholarship
award from the school.  Ustaz Yazid spent the next 5 years
at the famous Al-Azhar University in Egypt to pursue
his Bachelor Degree, where he majored in Arabic Language,
Literature and Linguistics.

Soon after his return to Singapore,
he won another scholarship in 2007 – this time from MUIS –
to pursue a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies
from State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta.  
His studies focused on the Quran, Phenomenology & Socio-Linguistics.

Three words come to mind when one encounters Ustaz Yazid
and attempts to describe him:

Unique,  Inspired & Optimistic!

And now, Ustaz Yazid is ready to bring his Vision into Action:

He wants to develop an intellectually & spiritually vibrant
Muslim community that gets Inspired&Motivated by
The Best Life Coach we have within our reach: 
The Holy Quran!

Ustaz Yazid warmly invites you to join him on a beautiful journey
of discovery of the Glorious Quran how it can help us bring
taufiq success into our lives!

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