↪ Especially for Our Schooling Children on Dec Holidays 2014
of Singapore presents:
Our Little Khalifah Quranic Program
✒ By the end of this program, our little khalifahs love the Quran and love learning and practicing their religion; Islam.
We are blessed to present to you Aspire Institute’s “Our Little Khalifah Quranic Program in Dec 2014 for Schooling Children” .
The entire program will be conducted primarily in English (or Malay if the entire class is more comfortable with that arrangement), and requires the little khalifahs to be able to:
1- Read and understand ENGLISH.
2- Attend every day of the program!
3- Age group 7-12 years old!
The curriculum of the program is designed specifically for schooling children in Singapore who are comfortable in English, and love to learn the Quran and its language in a joyful setting free of stress, but at the same time properly structured and objective oriented.
The program will include:
Our Little Khalifahs will learn the subjects outdoor and indoor for 40 hours. And they will learn the foundation of practicing Islam from young and enthusiastic Madrasah graduates!
Little Khalifahs will be grouped to those who can read the Quran and those will start learning from Alif Ba’ Ta’.
Your investment for Our Little Khalifah will be:
$160 Program Fee
$30 Material Fee
$10 Registration Fee
Total of only $200 for 40hrs of fun learning about Islam and Quran
PROGRAM: Our Little Khalifah Quranic Program (OLK)
➡ Group A |9am-2pm | 8 Dec- 18 Dec | -Commencing 8 Dec (Yishun) – 15 seats left!
➡ Group B | 9am-2pm | 22 Dec – 31 Dec | Commencing 22 Dec (Yishun) – 15 seats left!
✍ For ENQUIRIES, please
☏ SMS/Whatsapp: 9476 2653 (Yishun Campus), or
✉ EMAIL: registrations@aspireinstit
✔ To REGISTER your interest for the program “I Want To Read And Understand Quran in 2015” especially for Working Adults and Shift Workers, and get 45% off now please fill up the form below and press the YES! button:
The Blog Post
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
It’s the school holiday season again, in Singapore, primary school children have 6 weeks of “no-school” from the 3 week of November up until the first day of January.

Aspire Institute’s students have been asking me: “Can Aspire Institute develop a program for these children during their holidays?” My answer has always been the same. As an institute with clear objective of achieving Quranic Excellence we don’t develop programs just for the sake of developing it, there is a clear aim that we want to achieve and a clear objective that we want to build. Our objective has always been to develop Quranic Community of excellence, and with the limited resources that we have we have been directing our focus to the working adults, the Arabic Language to Understand the Quran and From Zero To Hero – Quranic Arabic is a product of Aspire Instittute’s own RnD (Research and Development).
But after reaching 500 students. The same request is increasing and we have to look into this demand. So I’ve recruited interns to develop an excellent Islamic Holiday Programs for Schooling Children. This program must not only have the Islamic values it must also provide Quranic values in a sense that if children were to enrol in this program no only they do they understand religion, but they will also develop the love for Quran and will want to understand the Quran and learn more about it.

So we have include basic Solat, Akhlaq, Doa, Tauhid and Fiqh in the program and the Quran component will have double the learning hours. So they can really develop their Quranic skills. It is very painful to see children going to religious classes but they have minimum Quranic ability, and then the parents have to source out for other classes which focus on that Quranic ability. I hope the new program will help the parents to be more at ease.
To smoothen the process the students will also be divided into 2 main groups, those who can already read the Quran and those who can’t yet. These students will be taught by trained teachers who went to full-time madrasahs.
But I’m also wondering do the parents look for when they send their children for religious classes. If you have some opinions can you please share with me at the comment below? It will stilll be a good comment if just share with me what is the best timing for these children for the program.
Hope to read your comments.