This Week’s High Frequency Word of the Quran! (Week 51 ’11)

This Week’s High Frequency Word of The Noble Quran Week – 51 ’11 Today’s word of the day “هَذَا” “haza” means “this (is)” “قَالَ هَذَا مِنْ فَضْلِ رَبِّي” “‘qala haza min fadli rabbi” “And he (Sulaiman) said: This is from my Creator” 🙂 From Surah An-Naml (27), Verse 40 [27:40] […]
2nd Last Session of “Kelas Bahasa Al-Quran”

BismillahirRahimanirRahim In the last session of “Kelas Bahasa Al-Quran”, Language of the Quran Class, a class dedicated towards the understanding of the meaning of the meaning of the Noble Quran straight form the Book, we did a comprehensive revision of the the grammatical concepts we’ve learned in this module. Such as the concept […]