Program queuing up for registration at Suntec City Convention Center
7th September 2013
was a Saturday, and the evening was a special one especially for knowledge seekers and Quran enthusiasts. That Saturday evening Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan, Founder and CEO of Bayyinah Institute came to Singapore and shared his insights on Surah Al-Fatehah. The event was organized by Youth Alive Discourse and ADIL and sponsored by and anonymous Singaporean family (may Allah s.w.t. bless them with wealth and health). More than 2000 people attended the event, and may all those who attended benefit from the lecture and be granted guidance to practice their knowledge.
During the queue I saw dozens of my students from Tafsir Al-Quran Program @Masjid Sultan and Arabic Language Classic Code Certification Program @Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching. I felt so happy because I can see that these students have in them the burning desire to study the Quran, and that they are not just followers of an Ustaz, but true seekers of knowledge, seekers of the Quran. Alhamdulillah 🙂 .
But I also got to know that many of my friends and students missed the chance to attend the lecture so I’m dedicating this post to share with them a bit of what I’ve managed to acquire from the bounty of the lecture. I’m writing it in point form so that it’s easier for you to take it in.
In sharing his insights form Surah Al-Fatehah, Ustaz Nouman was more inclined to begin with Alhamdulillah, and not BismillahirRahmanirRahim, because of some hadiths indicating that Al-Fatehah begins with Alhamdulillah Robbil ‘Alamin, the most prominent being the hadith Qudsi meaning: “Allah s.w.t said I divided the Al-Fatehah between me and my servant into two parts, when the servants say Alhamdulillahi Robbil ‘Alamin, I will say my servant glorify me….” Ustaz Nouman acknowledged that the scholars have the a difference of opinion regarding whether Al-Fatehah begins with BismllahirRahmanirRahim or AlhamdulillahiRobbil’Alamin, and all opinions should be respected. He then continues with the following:
- Alhamdu means at the same time both giving thanks to Allah s.w.t and praising Allah s.w.t. It does not only means praise and not only means giving thanks. It means both at the same time. And that is perfect. Because we can praise someone and not thank them, and thank someone and not praise them. But with Allah, we praise Him and at the same moment we thank Him, ALHAMDULILLAH! And Alhamdu in its noun form is best and perfect form in the context of Al-Fatehah when compared with other variations of it. An that’s the Miracle of the Quran. The Perfect Text For The Perfect Context.
- Lillahi Robbil Alamin. (This one is my favorite, click to view it in my FB status update) Allah introduces himself by introducing name first, Allah. Then he introduces His relation to us by incorporation Robbil Alamin, the Master of the Worlds. When Allah introduces himself as a Master to us, we are slaves to him. But we are only slaves to Allah and we accept Him as Our Master when we accept His Guidance. And that is why at the end of Allah’s introduction we immediately say Ihdinas Siratal Mustaqiim, which means guide us to the straight path, because by the end of Maliki Yaumiddin we trust Allah we know Allah, we like Allah, and we Trust Allah, thus we seek His divine guidance.
- Ar-Rahman means 1- Extreme Love 2- The Love is Immediate (Now) 3- and The Love is Temporary (Not Permanent).
- Ar-Rahim means 1- Permanent 2- Not Necessarily Right Now. In point 3&4 Allah s.w.t introduces himself as having extreme love for us! Describing the love to be extreme, immediate and permanent! Immediate and now for everyone, and permanent for those who do not take advantage of His love. When Ibn ‘Abbas, the first Mufassir, was asked about Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, his reply was: Ar-Rahman is for this world, while Ar-Rahim is for the hereafter.
- Maliki Yaumiddin, the King in the Day of Judgment. Allah introduces himself as The King in the Day of Judgment so that we do not take advantage of his Love. So that we are conscious of his blessings and aware of our deeds that are being recorded and will be handed to us in the hereafter. For those who receive their book with their right hands, they will find ease during judgment, for those who receive their book from their backs they will be thoroughly be accounted.
End of Part One
InsyaAllah I will continue with the rest of the notes tomorrow,
Ya Allah please guide us to be True Seekers of the Quran
and protect us from riya’, sum’ah and takabbur…
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