When it comes to learning to read the Quran, a lot of people have 2 big common questions in mind.
First: “How long will it take for me to learn to read the Quran?” and the other: “Will I just know how to recite and not know the meaning?”. The reason why people are currently asking first are because we don’t have the luxury of time like the way we used to. We are in a constant fight to juggle the ideals of being a good employee/employer, parent, child, student, neighbor, friend, a even a good next person because time is SCARCE. There is too much responsibilities and no one is helping, because they too are busy with the same battle as we do. But is that a good excuse to tell Allah when we meet HIM? “Allah, I’m so sorry, I know that you have sent me a beautiful message in a book through your Noble Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. and he and his companions fought with their life to bring it to us, but I just don’t have time to learn to read, let alone understand it.” Well this is the part when we need to understand that no excuse is a good excuse. But what is then the solution?
That is The Question that Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching ask when develop the program for reading the Quran for working adults. The program needs to understand the nature as well as the needs of Working Adults and Shift Workers in Singapore. So we design the program so that total Time Investment needed for you to be able to read the Quran is 12-48hours.
We’ve done a couple of successful workshops “I WANT TO READ QURAN THIS RAMADAN / IN 2 Days”. We later learned that in the long run, if the true objective is to develop an everlasting relationship with the Quran, we need to have a consistent program even though it is once weekly. So our new program which starts on 15 April 2013 is perfect for Working Adults even Shift Workers with odd working hours. The program is just 1.5 hours per session and participants need only to come once in a week, that is only 1.5 out of 168 hours in a week, to put things in your perspective. Better still They can choose to come anytime from Mondays to Sunday 10am-10pm! To Register, please send:
Name | Mobile | Email address |
To registrations@aspireinstitute.com OR
Call: 9777 9586
The other question is: “Will I just know how to recite and not know the meaning?” At Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching our main effort is developing content and designing programs for people to READ, UNDERSTAND, and APPLY Al-Quran in their LIFE everyday. For that purpose our reading programs are developed with the aim of getting the participants to quickly read the Quran FAST! while ensuring that no neglect is being done to the preservation of proper pronunciation and tajwid. The wisdom behind the need for speed here is that Quran is Allah s.w.t.’s guidance for mankind, and that include us! We need to UNDERSTAND this guidance! The Quran is guiding us through our understanding, logical, emotional and spiritual understanding of the Quran which ultimately develop our bond with Allah s.w.t. and with that our spiritual muturity! That is the reason we develop the program bearing the need for speed in mind so that you can quickly learn to understand the Quran and apply the Quran in your life!
When the Quran was revealed to Rasulullah s.a.w. it changed the life of his companions and change the entire Arab Nation with them. Imagine how our life can be improved when we know how to apply the Quran! Our family, our company our, and even ourselves will improved. A life of harmony inspired by the Quran. InsyaAllah.
Aamiin! Hope to see you again in my next posting!
This is the link to the Quran Reading Program for Working Adults and Shift Workers on FB.
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Till Next Time, remember
“Al-Quran is Our Life Coach!“
– Yazid