Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching presents:
It’s FIRST ever NLP Seminar!
“How to ACTIVATE Taufiq in Ramadan using Quranic NLP”
A 2-Saturdays introductory practical NLP course on the concept of TAUFIQ
and QURANIC NLP for personal change and positive mindset in LIFE and
BUSINESS context
DATE: 7Jul&14Jul 2012 (2-Saturdays)
TIME: 9:00AM-1:00 PM
Fees: $180 Inclusive of COURSE MATERIALS and LUNCH for 2 days.
Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching presents:
‘Al Quran & Life’ Seminar Series
Seminar on ‘Activating Taufiq in Ramadan Using NLP’
As Salamu ‘alaikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Islam!
Do you keep going round & round looking for that ‘something’ that will help you succeed?
Have you found yourself drifting from one motivational seminar to the next? One success talk after another? Bought many self-help books that offer you the ‘step-by-step system’ or ‘proven techniques’ or ‘secrets’ to Success or Wealth or Abundance?
Have you been searching the Internet for hours and hours too? Or you’ve probably have even sought advice from mentors, successful people, various ustaz or ustazahs.
These all brought you value, but each in the end seems to bring you to yet another dead-end….
Do you worry about money all the time?
Do you worry about your financial survival? Wondering all the time if there’ll be enough money to last the month? Maybe you’re even starting to doubt if
you’ll ever experience abundance, prosperity – & peace of mind?
& All this anxiety personally sickens you – because you know that there’s another Life you need to prepare for when you leave this dunya (world)… yet, what else can you do but worry about how to pay your bills, your expenses, your obligations… L
“Allah has promised us all sustenance… I’m a good person & I’m working hard …but how come I’m still struggling?”
You’re perhaps already aware of this hadith by our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him):
“If only you relied on Allah a true reliance, He would provide sustenance for you just as He does the birds: They fly out in the morning empty & return in the afternoon with full stomachs.”
Yet, have you sometimes privately wondered how come you struggle to make your business work, although Allah has promised you sustenance? And this despite being a Good Muslim & performing your obligatory duties such as praying 5 times a day, & fasting & paying zakat, etc? You’re probably thinking “I’m a good person & I work hard… but how come I’m still struggling?”
Been learning all the amazing Law of Attraction & other New Age stuff – & wondering how to place it within your Islamic beliefs?
Have you read that famous book The Secret? Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich? Been learning about the Law of Attraction, following Deepak Chopra, Dr Wayne Dyer & all the so-called New Age teachings of these spiritual teachers?
You like what they’re teaching & have even been getting some results from it. Yet do you wonder how you can harmonise all these with your Islamic beliefs?
Do you feel strangely disconnected with others & feel all alone in your journey?
As you go about your daily life, dreaming big, working hard, striving to succeed, facing up to the challenges & sincerely hoping for a better life… do you feel strangely alone? Do you experience a quiet sadness in your journey, although you’re surrounded by your loved ones? You can’t help but feel isolated from others in your private misery. That nobody seems to understand what you’re going through…
With Allah’s taufiq, by the end of this Seminar, you will :
Feel awed by the Quran
Be Inspired to Dream Big
Know where to get inspiration
Learn how to Motivate yourself
Believe in your abilities
Feel more Calm & Confident when faced with challenges
Love Allah
Love others more
What you’ll discover at this seminar, inshaAllah :
· The Abundance of Energy: Discover the technique of grasping energy in the month of RAMADAN especially in when reading the QURAN
Blueprint for a Fulfilling & Prosperous Life: Discover the Blueprint for a Fulfilling Life laid out so beautifully in Surah Al Fatihah
Law of Attraction – the Quran’s Way: Learn the Divine Formula to get what you want.
The Muslim’s 3-Step Rule for Successful Business Dealings: Tapping into The 3-Step Rule in business relationships that will bring you success, always.
Understand the concept of tawakkal – the right way: Learn the right approach to using tawakkal in your life as described in the well-known Ayat Seribu Dinar.
How to be Unshakeable in the face of Problems: The Crucial Key that you must remember in difficult times that will make you Unshakeable, Calm & Confident.
The Simple Effectiveness of Intention: Understand & Use this Divine Principle of Intention (niyyah) to bring you better results.
Interactive & Practical Seminar where you get to immediately activate The System (that’s already near you) to bring you abundance.
Experience the miracles of the Quran: Experience for yourself the Quran’s never-ending wonders so that you’ll never see it in quite the same way again.
Get to know your Speaker
Ustaz Yazid Muhamad Salleh is a man who is in with the Quran.
He gets true happiness from the Quran. Whether to find a solution to a problem, or to get Inspired, or feel Motivated, each time he opens the Quran, it provides him with the answer he’s looking for.
The Quran is therefore a unique source of Motivation & Inspiration for Ustaz Yazid – as it should be for the rest of us, he feels.
This is why he calls the Quran ‘Our Life Coach’.
This is why he has made it his mission to share with us the powerful messages God has left for us in His Quran.
And this is why he set up Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching.
His Love Affair with the Quran began early: he began his Islamic & secular education at Singapore’s esteemed Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah & graduated 11 years later, with a Graduate Scholarship award from the school. Ustaz Yazid spent the next 5 years at the famous Al-Azhar University in Egypt to pursue his Bachelor Degree, where he majored in Arabic Language, Literature and Linguistics.
Soon after his return to Singapore, he won another scholarship in 2007 – this time from MUIS – to pursue a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies from State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta. His studies focused on the Quran, Phenomenology & Sociology.
Three words come to mind when one encounters Ustaz Yazid & attempts to describe him:
Unique, Inspired & Optimistic!
And now, Ustaz Yazid is ready to bring his Vision into Action:
He wants to develop an intellectually- & spiritually-vibrant Muslim community that gets Inspired & Motivated by
The Best Life Coach we have within our reach: The Holy Quran
Ustaz Yazid warmly invites you to join him on a beautiful journey of discovery of the Glorious Quran
& how it can help us bring taufiq & success into our business – & our lives!
What You Need to do to Secure Your Seat :
Payment Method 1: Via EventBrite
Please go to this EventBrite link:
Choose the ticket you want.
Then choose your preferred payment mode (credit card or PayPal).
EventBrite will then send you an acknowledgement e-mail. We will also get a copy of your booking.
Payment Method 2: Via Bank Transfer (ATM or Internet Banking)
Do a bank transfer (via ATM Deposit or Internet Banking) to this account: OCBC Current Account: 581-742244-001
Then e-mail to us (at ) or SMS to us (at 8120 3431) with the following information:
| Name | Amount Transferred | Transaction Reference Number |
We will then send you an confirmation once we’ve checked our records.