
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear student of the Noble Quran,

It gives me great pleasure to share with you High Frequency Words from the Quran and its wisdom everyday.

Previously you’ve learned 26 High Frequency Words from the Quran, yesterday’s HFW being (عِلْم) . The HFW you will learn today is repeated for 105 times in the Quran. As of today you’ve learned 27 words from the Quran. Collectively these words are being used for 2436 times in the Quran! MasyaAllah! Let’s continue reading!

Yesterday’s HFW was very very important, it saves us from ignorance, and knowledge protects from doing the wrong thing, which is to place things in a wrong place.

Without knowledge we are ignorant, and with ignorance we place things not in its rightful position, thus transgression takes place.

Today’s HFW is (ظَالِم) which means “WRONGDOER”. Wrongdoer did the wrong thing because of not having the knowledge, because he forgot, or it was a mistake. The worst is not wanting to change because of EGO, so he keep on doing the wrong thing again and again.

We are fortunate because Allah s.w.t is never zalim towards his servants. In fact Allah s.w.t. is always forgiving towards his zalim servants, what they need to do is simply change themselves, and seek knowledge that can save them from doing the same wrong thing again. And Allah will them place them back in HIS mercy.

Your 27th High Frequency Word of the Quran:

Aspire list of HFW Number: #74


Transliteration: zalim

Meaning: Wrongdoer

Meaning in Malay: orang yang zalim

Frequency in the Quran: 105 times

First Mention in Quran: Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 35 (2:35)

Last Mention in Quran: Surah Al-Insaan, Verse 31 (76:31)

Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 35 (2:35), Allah says:

” And We said, “O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers.” 

2_35 (1)

Rasulullah s.a.w. said the meaning of which is that: “Every children of Adam a.s. is a wrongdoer, and the BEST of the wrondoers are those who repent (those who return to Allah and become better)”.

The word of repentance is istighfar, and the first action of repentance is BEING CONSCIOUS OF ALLAH and TRANSFORMING THE SELF TO THAT WHICH IS BETTER!

Do something great today! Start living with the Quran! Get closer and closer to Allah!

I pray that Allah will protect you from wrongdoers and open wide door of repentance for all of us ameen!

Please search and read this verse in the Quran or on your mobile app today, and have a GUIDED day!

*This value-added service is provided to you FREE by Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching*


To register for I Want To Live With Quran in 2015, a program for those who want to read and understand Quran please visit .


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May Allah bless this world and our Quranic Growth Ameen!

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I love to read them. Thank you for reading! 🙂

Yazid Bin Muhamad SallehTill Next Time, remember
Al-Quran is Our Life Coach!

– Yazid

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