Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dear student of the Noble Quran,
It gives me great pleasure to share with you High Frequency Words from the Quran and its wisdom everyday.
Previously you’ve learned 53 High Frequency Words from the Quran, yesterday’s HFW being (أَمْر) . The HFW you will learn today is repeated for 176 times in the Quran. As of today you’ve learned 54 words from the Quran. Collectively these words are being used for 6144 times in the Quran! MasyaAllah! Let’s continue reading!
* Indeed, those who have believed and those who have emigrated and strive in the PATH of Allah – are those who expect the mercy of Allah. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. * (Al-Quran 2:218)
Today we will continue learning the HFW and today’s HFW is Number #54. We will start sending you number #1-#53 via a link through the email you’ve provided once our system is up and running.
Today’s HFW is (سَبِيْل) which means “PATH” or “CAUSE”. Life is a journey, and there are many paths. We can choose any path we wish. But the most noble of paths is the path of Allah. This path, it’s destination is redha Allah, to attain the pleasure of Allah, and it leads to jannah, the eternal paradise.
When the destination is far and the journey is hard, we must be very clear of our objective. Only with clear objective will we be consistent in our path and we are able to go through in harmony.
Therefore, in our journey we must always, always remember what we are seeking. We seek the Rahmah of Allah, this world is nothing and the Rahmah of Allah s.w.t. is everything. And everyone with sound mind, is in this PATH of seeking His Rahmah.
Your 54th High Frequency Word of the Quran:
Aspire list of HFW Number: #47
Transliteration: sabeel
Meaning: PATH or CAUSE
Meaning in Malay: JALAN
Frequency in the Quran: 176 times
First Mention in Quran: Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 108 (2:108)
Last Mention in Quran: Surah Abasa, Verse 20 (80:20)
In Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse (2:218) Allah says:
” Indeed, those who have believed and those who have emigrated and strive in the PATH of Allah – are those who expect the mercy of Allah. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”
Imaan, or faith, is very important, it’s important in life because it influence or actions, and our actions effect our situation in hereafter, therefore develop our imaan and have faith in the rahmah of Allah.
Please search and read this verse in the Quran or on your mobile app today, and have a GUIDED day!
*This value-added service is provided to you FREE by Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching*
To register for I Want To Live With Quran in 2015, a program for those who want to read and understand Quran please visit .
Please forward to your friends.
May Allah bless this world and our Quranic Growth Ameen!
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I love to read them. Thank you for reading!
Till Next Time, remember
“Al-Quran is Our Life Coach!”
– Yazid