Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dear student of the Noble Quran,
It gives me great pleasure to share with you High Frequency Words from the Quran and its wisdom everyday.
Previously you’ve learned 6 High Frequency Words from the Quran, (َأَصْحَاب) ,(مَا) ,(يَوْم) ,(كَيْف) ,(شَيْطَان), and (يَبَنِي) . The HFW you will learn today is repeated for 83 times in the Quran. As of today you’ve learned 7 words from the Quran. Collectively these words are being used for 571 times in the Quran! MasyaAllah! Let’s continue reading!
Today, we learn about the word (صَلَوة) which means “prayer”.
Your 7th High Frequency Word of the Quran:
Aspire list of HFW Number: #94
Transliteration: Solah
Meaning: Prayer
Meaning in Malay: Sembahyang
Frequency in the Quran: 83 times
First Mention in Quran: Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 3 (2:3)
Last Mention in Quran: Surah Al-Maun, Verse 5 (107:5)
In Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 3 (2:3), Allah says:
“ Those who believe in the unseen and keep up the prayer and share (with others) what we have given them”
The word solah and selawat come from the same rooth word, and they both mean prayer,
the first is “pray TO Allah”, the other “pray FOR RASULILLAH”.
Almost in all verses in the Quran the word solah is used as a prove of imaan (faith). The word was last mentioned in Surah Al-Maun, and it warns us from not putting proper attention in our solah, a result of lack of faith, which leads to lack of attention in Solah. Indeed Al-Quran is from Allah! Observe how the first and the last word mentioned compliment each other in the message of importance of establishing attention in prayer!
Thus, if we want to put effort to increase our faith, we should put effort to increase our attention in our prayer, and insyaAllah our faith shall increase, and it will also influence others in our circle, like our children, spouse, and friends.
To increase our attention is solah we must feel the need to perform it. Don’t perform it just because we have to. Do it because we want to, because it completes our life and we feel happier and more wholesome during our time in solah and after it. Our solah is the first thing that Allah s.w.t. will ask us in the day of judgment and it is the line between faith and syirk. May Allah guide us and ease for us to fulfill his commands. Ameen.
Please search and read this verse in the Quran or on your mobile app today, and have a great day!
*This value-added service is provided to you FREE by Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching*
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May Allah bless this world and our Quranic Growth Ameen!
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I love to read them. Thank you for reading! 🙂
Till Next Time, remember
“Al-Quran is Our Life Coach!”
– Yazid