Al-Kalimah | Type of Words in Arabic Language

This video explains the basic categorization of words in Arabic language. Run time: 2 mins 20 secs       This video explains types of word in Arabic language. In this video I explain al-kalimah or word. In English, as well as in Arabic, words are categorized into few categories. In this video I explain what are […]

And These Are Arabic Numbers!

Below is one of the best up-beat song on Arabic  Numbers, let your child be familiar with the numbers’ visuals and pronunciation. Again like the visuals in of the Arabic alphabet in the previous channel its visuals are fast changing, but its audio is good and will help them in the long run in acquiring […]

This one is famous in the Arab World

Music is universal, although you and your child may not understand the meanings of the following Arabic alphabet video, you both shall enjoy the song. Its meanings are Islamic and virtuous, which makes up its  lengthy presentation, but if what you want is to put your child in a madrasah, Arabic, or Islamic school, this video is […]

The Best Video On Alif Ba Ta

Below is definitely one of the nicest video of alif ba ta on the web. Alhtough the visual changes fast it does have a very good audio quality which helps your child familiarize with Arabic pronunciation quickly.