Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching presents:
=Arabic Language Classic Code Certification Program (LITE)=
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Islam!

Do you know that it is your RIGHT and your RESPONSIBILITY as a True Believer to learn and understand the Language of The Noble Quran?
Do you know that there’s a SIMPLE, EASY and FUN way to LEARN the LANGUAGE of THE QURAN?

Well the time has come for you to experience it and share the experience with you family, friends and colleagues! Because the feeling is simply great to understand the Quran!
Arabic Language Classic Code Certification Program (AL3C) is
the only Arabic Language developed by Singaporean Quran Enthusiast for Singaporean Quran Enthusiasts. If you’re really serious in learning the language of the Quran you will leave your first lesson speaking in Arabic!Even though once a week, if you have that burning desire, you will start understanding the language of the Quran by your second year!
=== Arabic Language Classic Code Certification Program (LITE) ===

A Once Weekly Program of Arabic Language. By the end of the program participants will be able to understand the language of the Quran and able to acquire Infinite Inspirations and Motivations to lead a life of true success and fulfillment in this life and here after.
Program Details:
Time: 8:00 am – 10:00 am (Once Weekly)
Saturday (Yishun Campus) or
Sunday (Tampines Campus)
For Registrations and Inquiries please:
SMS: 9777 9586 (Tampins) or 9476 2653 (Yishun)
EMAIL: registrations@aspireinstit
To Register:
Please fill out the information below and email to registrations@aspireinstit
1- Full Name:
2- Email Address:
3- Telephone Number:
4- Campus of preference :
5- Payment Transaction details: Transaction Number, Date, Time,
To make payment, please do a bank transfer or transfer via internet banking to:
OCBC Current Account: 530-711985-001 (we prefer this one)
POSB Savings Account: 104-90320-7 (if you don’t have OCBC ACC)
From now till 18 September, students only need to pay:
1- $90 – Deposit (Usual $180)
2- $90 – First Month Fee (Usual $180)
Total Payable: $180.00
Pay for the entire year Certification Program
and save $240
Total Payable: $840.00
Payment should be made before 18 September 2013
Please send an sms to 9777 9586 / 9476 2653 for Tampines and Yishun Campus respectively, immediately after the transfer.
Your seat and arrangement for collection of book
will the be confirmed.
We look forward to hear from you soon.
Ilal liqa’
More than 1400 years ago mankind was blessed with the Noble Quran.
Since the time it was revealed through Our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. the Quran not only completes our life with divine orders and commandments, but also make humanity whole with Infinite Inspirations and Motivations to lead a life of nobility and fulfillment. The History of Previous Andalus and Baghdad is a testimony to this fact.
Sadly though, when Arabic Language lost its grasp as the spoken language of the world, Muslims have since lost the sight the Quran’s true beauty which lies in understanding its meanings in its native form; Language of the Quran.
With the aim to understand the language of the Quran and unfold its Infinite Inspirations and Motivations in its native language, Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching is honored to offer Arabic Language Classic Code Certification, it’s longest running program, a certification which leads to the understanding of the Quran in its native language.
The certification is a 3-level, once weekly, modular program with the intent of understanding the language of the Quran.
Level 1: Module 1-3 (12 Months)
Level 2: Module 4-9 (24 Months)
Level 3: Module 10-12 (12 Months)
The entire 12-Module Curriculum is synthesized using proven Classical Method and linguistic approaches of Communication and High Frequency Words.
By the end of theprogram participants will be able to understand the Noble Quran in its native language and able acquire Infinite number of Inspirations and Motivations from the Book of Guidance, to lead a life of true success and fulfillment in this life and hereafter.
For Registrations and Inquiries please:
SMS: 9777 9586 (Tampines), or 9476 2653 (Yishun)
EMAIL: registrations@aspireinstit
Get to know the Program Developer
Ustaz Yazid Muhamad Salleh is a man who is in LOVE with the Quran.
He gets true happiness from the Quran. Whether to find a solution to a problem, or to get Inspired, or feel Motivated, each time he opens the Quran, it provides him with the answer he’s looking for.
The Quran is therefore a unique source of Motivation & Inspiration for Ustaz Yazid – as it should be for the rest of us, he feels.
This is why he calls the Quran ‘Our Life Coach’.
This is why he has made it his mission to share with us the powerful messages God has left for us in His Quran.
And this is why he set up Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching; Read, Understand and Apply Al-Quran in LIFE.
His Love Affair with the Quran began early: he began his Islamic & secular education at Singapore’s esteemed Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah & graduated 12 years later with a Graduate Scholarship award from the school. Ustaz Yazid spent the next 5 years at the famous Al-Azhar University in Egypt to pursue his Bachelor Degree, where he majored in Arabic Language, Literature and Linguistics.
Soon after his return to Singapore, he won another scholarship in 2007 – this time from MUIS – to pursue a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies from State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta. His studies focused on the Quran, Phenomenology & Socio-Linguistics.
Three words come to mind when one encounters Ustaz Yazid & attempts to describe him:
Unique, Inspired & Optimistic!
And now, Ustaz Yazid is ready to bring his Vision into Action:
He wants to develop an intellectually- & spiritually-vibrant Muslim community that gets Inspired & Motivated by
The Best Life Coach we have within our reach: The Holy Quran
Ustaz Yazid warmly invites you to join him on a beautiful journey of discovery of the Glorious Quran & how it can help us bring taufiq & success into our business – & our lives!