
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear student of the Noble Quran,

It gives me great pleasure to share with you High Frequency Words from the Quran and its wisdom everyday.

Previously you’ve learned 33 High Frequency Words from the Quran, yesterday’s HFW being (يَد) . The HFW you will learn today is repeated for 122 times in the Quran. As of today you’ve learned 34 words from the Quran. Collectively these words are being used for 3244 times in the Quran! MasyaAllah! Let’s continue reading!


Today’s HFW, is tricky to explain but good to understand. Understanding it will help you to be more conscious of your own thought process, and internal communication. Knowing how to apply it correctly will transform you to be a productive person, and person who is always focus on solution rather than the problem.

Today’s HFW is (ْبَل), which means “BUT” or “INSTEAD”. We observe this word is usually used in making excuses, debate, or arguement.

But, if used consciously it will open door of possibilities, that we are not aware was there.

Our actions stem from our thoughts, and we use words to produce and moderate them.

Sometimes life brings us to a dead end. And we think that there is nothing that we can do, BUT when we use this WORD and continue with the word ALLAH after it, the door will appear.

Example: Your mind says “I really don’t know how to do this!” And your trained consciousness says: “But Allah is the best guidance and His guidance comes in perfect timing”

InsyaAllah, when we say this affirmation with strong belief, we shall witness miracle.

As believers and servants of Allah s.w.t. we believe that Allah will always be there for us. Allah wants us to learn, and discover the strength HE bestowed within us.

Your 34th High Frequency Word of the Quran:

Aspire list of HFW Number: #67


Transliteration: bal

Meaning: but / instead

Meaning in Malay: akan tetapi

Frequency in the Quran: 122 times

First Mention in Quran: Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 88 (2:88)

Last Mention in Quran: Surah Al-Fajr Verse 17 (89:17)

Surah Aali-Imran, Verse 40 (3:150), Allah says:


“BUT Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers. “



Belief in Allah is Imaan, and Imaan is the seed of Pure Intelligence.

Fill your heart with rememberance of Allah, and your mind will be filled with HIS wonders.

End your week in remembering Allah and His bounties!

Start living with the Quran!

Please search and read this verse in the Quran or on your mobile app today, and have a GUIDED day!

*This value-added service is provided to you FREE by Aspire Institute of Quranic Coaching*


To register for I Want To Live With Quran in 2015, a program for those who want to read and understand Quran please visit .


Please forward to your friends.

May Allah bless this world and our Quranic Growth Ameen!

Please let me know what you think, and leave some comments below.

I love to read them. Thank you for reading! 🙂

Yazid Bin Muhamad SallehTill Next Time, remember
Al-Quran is Our Life Coach!

– Yazid

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